Centru cu comanda numerica (nesting) Casadei Busellato model Easy Jet

SKU: d7a728a67d90 Categorii: , , , Etichete: , , , , , , , , , , , ,
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Detalii tehnice Easy Jet 4.8 Easy Jet 5.12 Easy Jet 6.12 Easy Jet 7.10 Easy Jet 7.14
Suprafata de lucru (X – Y) 2.486 x 1.255 mm 3.686 x 1.555 mm 3.686 x 1.855 mm 3.086 x 2.155 mm 4.286 x 2.155 mm
Inaltime utila de lucru 100 mm 100 mm 100 mm 100 mm 100 mm
Putere motor electrospindle (S6-40%) 6,6 kW (stand)

9,5 kW (opt)

15 kW (opt)

6,6 kW (stand)

9,5 kW (opt)

15 kW (opt)

6,6 kW (stand)

9,5 kW (opt)

15 kW (opt)

6,6 kW (stand)

9,5 kW (opt)

15 kW (opt)

6,6 kW (stand)

9,5 kW (opt)

15 kW (opt)

Numar mandrine gaurire 7 sau 12 (stand)

11 sau 18 (opt)

7 sau 12 (stand)

11 sau 18 (opt)

7 sau 12 (stand)

11 sau 18 (opt)

7 sau 12 (stand)

11 sau 18 (opt)

7 sau 12 (stand)

11 sau 18 (opt)

Capacitate magazie scule 8 (stand)

11 (opt)

10 (stand)

14 (opt)

11 (stand)

16 (opt)

13 (stand)

19 (opt)

13 (stand)

19 (opt)